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Scrapbooking techniques for baking from Wilton 

Flowers cut from Wilton's Sugar Sheets 'grow' from spring cupcakes.Scrapbooking remains one of the nation's most popular hobbies with a wide range of papers, embellishments and shape-cutting punches available to decorate the pages that hold keepsake photos and other mementos.

Wilton has just released a new book called "Punch, Cut, Decorate" that borrows techniques for scrapbooking to deliver more excitement and ideas to those who enjoy decorating baked goods. 

The company's gum paste, rolled fondant and the newer Sugar Sheets!, an edible decorating "paper," come in a wide variety of colors and are the raw materials that can be cut into numerous shapes and edges ranging from flowers to leaves or spirals. Cutting is done with punch tools that include mini shapes ($6.99) or a larger version with inserts that can be interchanged to press out larger shapes or borders such as waves, diamonds, grass and more ($5.99 and $14.99). The cut decorations are adhered to cupcakes, cakes or cookies with edible glue. 

The book, which simplifies decorating by eliminating the need to mix colors or pipe out perfect designs with frosting, shows ideas that can be used to make themed creations for children's parties, baby and bridal showers, holiday treats and just for fun. Homemade frosting probably tastes a lot better than these edible ornaments, but a little kid would be pretty excited to get a cake with a zoo scene or cookies with funny bug faces. These tools would make them much easier for a parent to create.  

Here's a demonstration video.    






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