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November - December word scramble puzzle

Mixed Messages


Unscramble the words below to reveal a quote and the name of its author, a 19th-century orator and statesman.

(Solution below)




ti si isreae ot libud  tognrs dhncilre ntah ot preiar krnboe enm

~ erifkderc  loadsugs







It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

~ Frederick Douglass



September-October word scramble puzzle

Mixed Messages



Unscramble the following words below to reveal lines from a poem and the name of its author, who often wrote on controlling one's thoughts. (Solution below)


meso fo ruyo sruth uyo vahe ruced dan het stashrep ouy listl evha dervusiv, ubt awth remtonts of fregi oyu derdnue mofr ievls hicwh evrne raivrde

 ~palrh olawd renomse







Some of your hurts you have cured,
and the sharpest you still have survived,
But what torments of grief you endured
from evils which never arrived.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


July-August word scramble puzzle

Mixed Messages



Unscramble the following words below to reveal an inspirational quote about working toward a goal. (Solution below)

yarrep si het ouls litgkan ot ogd. godin thyangni tiwh eldwheothrea fertfo, hicwh liwl kilyel culiedn atemkis retaf stemika, si eht ulso kitganl ot odg ni a redtifnfe tegonu.






"Prayer is the soul talking to God. Doing anything with wholehearted effort, which will likely include mistake after mistake, is the soul talking to God in a different tongue."

~ Gail Sher, from "One Continuous Mistake"




May-June Word scramble puzzle


Mixed Messages


Unscramble the words below to reveal two quotes of unknown origin that relate to pets.

(Solution below)



shstoaund  of saery oga tsac rewe dophipwers as sodg. tasc evah verne notrofgte sith

Het tuipry of a respnos rehat anc be kulyqic  sudmeare by ohw yeht drareg milasan




"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."


"The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals."


March-April word scramble puzzle

Mixed Messages


Unscramble the words below to reveal quote from an expert whose work relates to health. Clues: She is a motivator who has appeared in more than 150 videos. Her initials are CJ.

(Solution below)


Tisneen resecixe si kile knitag a cagmi lipl atth veigs oyu het ilbyita ot loves moprbels elki a peershruo.

~ neechal nonjsho







“Intense exercise is like taking a magic pill that gives you the ability to solve problems like a



~ Chalene Johnson